Sunday, January 25, 2009

Time for another sport

This mornings workout consisted of a 10 minute warm up 45 minutes at 85 rpm's and a 5 minute cool down on the trainer. It was 12 when I got up to get the newspaper. I'm getting good at drinking coffee while driving. This time I even added reading main page, sports and the travel section are my favorites. Two cups of coffee later I was done. Some floor work strech, shower and I'm ready for breakfast.
After churh I went to appalachian outfitters and purchased a new pair of x country skis. It's been a while since I've been on a pair of skis. I used to do a race or two a year back in the 80's so it's been more that the 8-10 years I thought. I'm still going to try to get on my skating skis but I need new bindings and I really wanted a new pair of classic skis which are the diagonal type. Below you'll see my new and old skis. Now I can ski right after work a couple of days a week and Saturday afternoons. After I got home I went back downstarirs for one more hr on the trainer.
My goal was 12 hrs on the bike this week, I put in 11. Next week is 12 hrs again , if you don't put a number out there you don't reach out to it. You have to have a goal and the desire to attain that goal. JUST DO IT.

Oh yeah, time for snow sports. We still have February to go and it doesn't look like the snow is going to melt. You'll not see grass until March.

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